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Explore Dharma

What is dharma?

Meaning of Dharma. Dharma is a Sanskrit word. The root of the word dharma comes from dhri, which means to uphold or maintain. From dhri,

vedas book

What is sanatan dharma?

Sanatam dharma is the eternal religion Sanatan dharma is made up of two sanskrit words, sanatan and dharma. The word Sanatan means eternal and dharma

vedas book

How many upanishad are there?

Upanishads are mainly 108 in number, of which 10 are regarded most important.

what is vedic dharma

What is vedic dharma?

The religion of the vedas? Vedic Dharma means the religion of the Vedas. In other words vedic dharma is the ancient religion as taught by


What is Hinduism?

Hinduism is the religion of hindus Hinduism is one of the world’s oldest religion, and is known popularly as Hindu dharma. How old is the