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Updated, 17 min ago

Rig Veda

Rigveda 1.191.1

There are some creatures of mild (poison) while others of strong venom. Some are aquatic (living in water), some reptiles snakes and some are insects,

higher yogic power

What Is Dharma and How Does It Work?

Dharma is righteousness. According to ancient philosophy, the practice of equitable justice together with that of truthfulness in word, deed and thought and the like

secret of the worlds

Nothing is Yours.

Nothing is yours. what does it mean? At the end of life you are left with nothing. So who owns all this? All is His.


Universe is dynamic.

Universe is dynamic in nature. Universe is all about motion, there is activity everywhere in the universe. Motion is there everywhere in the universe. Universe

god energy

Secret is everywhere.

The universe is dynamic, all the worlds in it are in motion, sometimes it is visible and sometimes it is not visible, if observed with