How to know the meaning of mantra in a simple way?
The simplest way to understand a mantra is to know the meaning of each of its elements. By following the steps given below you can
Updated, 17 min ago
The simplest way to understand a mantra is to know the meaning of each of its elements. By following the steps given below you can
चत्वारि वाक्परिमिता पदानि तानि विदुर्ब्राह्मणा ये मनीषिणः ।गुहा त्रीणि निहिता नेङ्गयन्ति तुरीयं वाचो मनुष्या वदन्ति ॥ catvari vak parimita padani tani vidurbrahmana ye manisinahguha trini
मर्माणि ते वर्मणा छादयामि सोमस्त्वा राजामृतेनानु वस्ताम् ।उरोर्वरीयो वरुणस्ते कृणोतु जयन्तं त्वानु देवा मदन्तु ॥ marmani te varmana chadayami somastva rajamrtenanu vastamurorvariyo varunaste krnotu jayantam
There is only one way.There is no other way other than this. No one else will be able to take you on that path,You will
You have to come this way. Without this there is no way to reach it. This is your way to come and go. Of coming
Could the knowledge we have today be obtained without prior knowledge? Could modern knowledge have developed without ancient science? Modern science requires ancient science. Without