Rigveda 1.1.1
There is self effulgent fire prior to the creation, the eternal support of the cosmos, the illuminator of the noble activity, and the only object
Updated 8 min ago..
There is self effulgent fire prior to the creation, the eternal support of the cosmos, the illuminator of the noble activity, and the only object
“The right philosophy is the one that will make you move forward.” — Philosophy Quote. Start your journey to find or explore the right philosophy
Progress in life is not possible without removing obstacles, that is why, keep trying to clear your path to overcome the obstacles. 1. Find Your
There is self effulgent fire prior to the creation, the eternal support of the cosmos, the illuminator of the noble activity, and the only object
First mantra of the yajurveda Ishe tvorje tva vayava stha devo vah savita prapayatu sresthatamaya karmana apyayadhva maghnya indraya bhagam prajavati ranamiva ayakshma va stena
There is a leading fire, which is representing the goal of human life. This Mantra is similar to the Rigveda 6.16.10
Meaning of the mantra. 1. There are Seven elements, which makes all the forms. 2. There is a owner or the lord of all these
There is a mystery hidden within everything, bursting to reveal itself. – Ancient Science There is a mystery hidden within everything.. There is a mystery
Everyone is searching for something in life. Everyone is searching for something unknown in the world. No one knows what exactly is something, but It
Look at this vast universe, there is a mystery within everything. What is the mystery? What is the secret? what is beyond this universe? what is the
“Understanding is an art and not everyone is an artist.” — Inspirational Quote. Start your journey to find or explore Inspirational Quotes with ancient science.
“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the
“Let the noble thoughts come to us from every side.” — Rigveda. Start your journey to find or explore Thoughts of life with ancient science.
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