“When a desire arises. Then you exert to possess the object. This is Karma.” — Ancient Philosophy. When a vasana or desire arises in you, then you exert to possess the object. This is Karma. Thought itself is the real Karma or deed. Physical action is only its manifestation. Then you enjoy the object. This Read More …
Atharvaveda 1.2.1
The rain which is the father, the protector of the medicinal grass and highly nourishing. The earth which is the place of its growth and is full of multifarious energies. विद्मा शरस्य पितरं पर्जन्यं भूरिधायसम्। विद्मो ष्वस्य मातरं पृथिवीं भूरिवर्पसम् ॥ – Atharvaveda mantra 1.2.1 vidma sarasya pitram parjanyam bhuridhayasam. vidmo svasya maatram prithvim bhurivarpasam Read More …
Rigveda 1.191.10
The science of sweetness that removes the effect of poison (Toxicology). The sun or the Vaidya who removes the effect of the poison. In this mantra, removal of poison by the solar energy is underlined. सूर्ये विषमा सजामि दृतिं सुरावतो गृहे। सो चिन्नु न मराति नो वयं मरामारे अस्य योजनं हरिष्ठा मधु त्वा मधुला चकार Read More …
Rigveda 1.191.1
There are some creatures of mild (poison) while others of strong venom. Some are aquatic (living in water), some reptiles snakes and some are insects, but they all are either destructive of life or create burning in the body. The anoint with their poison, we should have fully knowledge about them, so that proper treatment Read More …
Understanding is an art and not everyone is an artist.
“Understanding is an art and not everyone is an artist.” — Inspirational Quote. Start your journey to find or explore Inspirational Quotes with ancient science. See the next post and keep exploring further.
What Is Dharma and How Does It Work?
Dharma is righteousness. According to ancient philosophy, the practice of equitable justice together with that of truthfulness in word, deed and thought and the like (virtues) – in a word, that which is in conformity with the Will of God, as embodied in the Vedas – That is called Dharma (righteousness) 1. Overview of Dharma Read More …
Nothing is Yours.
Nothing is yours. what does it mean? At the end of life you are left with nothing. So who owns all this? All is His. Nothing is yours, So what to do in life? Should I give up all work? This does not mean sitting idle at home shunning all work. Man must engage in Read More …
Universe is dynamic.
Universe is dynamic in nature. Universe is all about motion, there is activity everywhere in the universe. Motion is there everywhere in the universe. Universe means, that which has motion. Everything in the universe is in motion. Everything of the world has movement. There is motion in the sun, earth, moon, stars, there is movement Read More …
Secret is everywhere.
The universe is dynamic, all the worlds in it are in motion, sometimes it is visible and sometimes it is not visible, if observed with deep observation the motion will be visible, someone is giving motion to all the worlds, there is a mystery behind the motion. The secret is hidden behind.. The secret that Read More …
Never think bad of others.
Even if we have an enemy, forgive them. Because if we think bad about them, our thoughts will also become bad, and our own thoughts have an effect on our body, bad thoughts have a bad effect and good thoughts have a good effect. What sage thinks.. I am a sage so even due to Read More …