What are the ancient scriptures?

When we talk about the ancient scriptures, we mean the world oldest sacred scriptures. The vedas and upanishad are the primary scriptures of ancient science.

World’s ancient scriptures.

Explore the world’s ancient scripture the vedas and the scripture based on the vedas.

The Vedas >

The vedas are the ancient scriptures of the world. There are four vedas, rigveda, yajurveda, samaveda, atharvaveda.

Upanishads >

The upanishads are the ancient Sanskrit texts of spiritual teaching and the philisophy and the concepts of the vedas.

Vedic scriptures >

Vedas, Upanishads, Darshanas, 

Explore Vedas >

Explore all four vedas.

11 upanishads >

Isha Upanishad >

Kena Upanishad >

Katho Upanishad >

Prashna Upanishad >

Mundaka Upanishad >

Mandukya Upanishad >

Taittiriya Upanishad >

Aitareya Upanishad >

Chandogya Upanishad >

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad >

Shvetashvatara Upanishad >

Darshanas >

Sankhya >

Yoga >

Nyaya >

Vaisheshika >

Purva Mimamsa >

Uttara Mimamsa >

Vedanta >

Philosophy scriptures >

Ayurveda >

Dhanurveda >

Non Vedic Scriptures >

Science of metrics >

Chanda sutra (prosody) (sanskrit prosody)

Astronomy >

Kalpa sutra >

Agni purana >

Agni purana >

Space Scriptures >

Bharadwaja Vimanika Shastra >

Other scriptures >

108 Upanishad, 

Lost scriptures >

Foreign invasions by various conquerors have resulted in the loss of material (the loss of valueable manuscripts) and intellectual wealth of ancient india. 

Can’t we unearth our available ancient scriptures and references and do something to get back the glimpses of treasures of ancient wisdom.