What is vedic dharma?

The religion of the vedas?

Vedic Dharma means the religion of the Vedas. In other words vedic dharma is the ancient religion as taught by the vedas. The Vedas are the foundational scriptures of Vedic Dharma. Vedic dharma is the oldest living religion on earth. It is also known as sanatan dharma or satya sanatan vedic dharma and is prominently known as Hinduism

The oldest religion in the world

The vedas are the oldest scriptures in the world, so vedic dharma is the oldest religion in the world

Vedic Dharma is a revealed religion

The ancient rishis and sages of ancient india have expressed their intuitive spiritual experiences (Aparoksha Anubhuti) in the Upanishads. These experiences are direct and infallible.

Vedic Dharma regards the spiritual experiences of the Rishis of yore as its authority. The priceless truths that have been discovered by the ancient rishis and sages through millennia constitute the glory of Vedic Dharma. Therefore, vedic dharma is a revealed religion.

A religion of freedom

Vedic dharma, unlike other religions, does not dogmatically assert that the final emancipation is possible only through its means and not through any other. It is only a means to an end and all means which will ultimately lead to the end are equally approved.

Hinduism allows absolute freedom to the rational mind of man. Hinduism never demands any undue restraint upon the freedom of human reason, the freedom of thought, feeling and will of man. It allows the widest freedom in matters of faith and worship.

Hinduism is a religion of freedom. It allows absolute freedom to the human reason and heart with regard to questions such as nature of God, soul, creation, form of worship and the goal of life. Hinduism does not lie in the acceptance of any particular doctrine, nor in the observance of some particular rituals or form of worship. It does not force anybody to accept particular dogmas or forms of worship. It allows everybody to reflect, investigate, enquire and cogitate. Hence, all sorts of religious faiths, various forms of worship or Sadhana, and diverse kinds of rituals and customs, have found their honourable places side by side within Hinduism and are cultured and developed in harmonious relationship with one another.

Hinduism does not condemn those who deny God as the creator and ruler of the world, who do not accept the existence of an eternal soul and the state of Moksha or state of liberation.

Hinduism does not render the upholders of such views unfit to be recognised as pious and honourable members of the Hindu religious society.

The religious hospitality of Hinduism is proverbial. Hinduism is extremely catholic and liberal. This is the fundamental feature of Hinduism. Hinduism pays respects to all religions. It does not revile any other religion. It accepts and honours truth—wherever it may come from and whatever garb it may put on.

There are considerable numbers of the followers of other religions in India. And yet, the Hindus live in perfect harmony, peace and friendship with all of them. Their tolerance and fellow-feeling towards the followers of other religions is remarkable.

Despite all the differences of metaphysical doctrines, modes of religious discipline and forms of ritualistic practices and social habits prevalent in the Hindu society, there is an essential uniformity in the conception of religion and in the outlook on life and the world, among all sections of Hindus.

Vedic dharma provide spiritual food

Vedic dharma provides spiritual food and Yoga Sadhana for all sorts of people to suit their temperaments, capacities, tastes, stages of spiritual development and conditions of life. It prescribes Yoga Sadhana even for a scavenger or a cobbler to attain God-realisation, while doing his ordinary avocation in the world