The rain which is the father, the protector of the medicinal grass and highly nourishing. The earth which is the place of its growth and is full of multifarious energies.
विद्मा शरस्य पितरं पर्जन्यं भूरिधायसम्। विद्मो ष्वस्य मातरं पृथिवीं भूरिवर्पसम् ॥
– Atharvaveda mantra 1.2.1
vidma sarasya pitram parjanyam bhuridhayasam.
vidmo svasya maatram prithvim bhurivarpasam
– Atharva veda verse 1.2.1
Meaning >
The cloud, which nourishes and sustains all living and non-living things, is the father of the rain and the earth, which is composed of all the elements, is the mother of this rain. The meaning is that the rain that is power, is produced from both the cloud and the earth. We know this.
Translation >
We know the shara’s father, abundant all sustaining Parjanya, water bearing cloud in the firmament, and its mother, fertile all bearing Prthivi, earth, too we know well. (Shara is a reed which has great medicinal qualities. It is also an arrow, a weapon of defence, victory and freedom. It is also interpreted as a son, a brave youthful hero. And the hymn celebrates victory over illness, enemies, and the difficulties of life.)
– Dr.Tulsi Ram translation.
Translation 1 >
We know the rain which is the father, the protector of the Shara, a medicinal grass and highly nourishing. We know well its mother the earth which is the place of its growth and is full of multifarious energies.
Translation 2 >
We know the showering cloud as the father of the reed, with which an arrow is made, that nourishes in various ways.We also know very well earth, as its mother, the earth imparting profuse designs.
Translation 3 >
We know God, the Liberal Nourisher, like the cloud, as the Father (Protector) of the warrior, who wields the shaft. We know well, God, equipped with diverse objects, and vast like the Earth, as his revered Mother.