Rigveda 1.191.10

The science of sweetness that removes the effect of poison (Toxicology). The sun or the Vaidya who removes the effect of the poison. In this mantra, removal of poison by the solar energy is underlined.

सूर्ये विषमा सजामि दृतिं सुरावतो गृहे। सो चिन्नु न मराति नो वयं मरामारे अस्य योजनं हरिष्ठा मधु त्वा मधुला चकार ॥

– Rigveda Mantra 1.191.1

surye visama sajami drtim suravato grhe. 
so cin nu namarati no vayam maramare asya yojanam haristha madhu tvamadhula cakara

– Rigveda verse 1.191.1

Meaning >

The removers of poison ! remove the effect of the poison by the use of drugs and with the combination of the rays of the sun. Sun rays are the best anti-toxic and they cure many diseases and they generate sweetness. This does not in any way harm the sun. The persons who know the science of antidotes become long lived.

Translation > 

I deposit the poison in the solar orb, like a leather bottle in the house of a vendor of spirits. Verily, the sun does not thus lose its existence. Nor, shall we die as the sun puts the poison far away. The science of antidotes converts the poison into nectar.

– Swami dayanand translation.

Translation 1 > 

Just as liquor is contained in the cask in the house of a liquor maker, so do I collect the earth’s poison and evaporate it to join the sun so that neither the sun would die nor would we, since the poison would join the far away sun which would drink it up. O poison, then the honey sweet chemistry of nature may turn you to nectar honey.

– Dr.Tulsi Ram translation.