What is Karma?

“When a desire arises. Then you exert to possess the object. This is Karma.”

— Ancient Philosophy.

When a vasana or desire arises in you, then you exert to possess the object. This is Karma. Thought itself is the real Karma or deed. Physical action is only its manifestation. Then you enjoy the object. This is Bhoga. This Bhoga strengthens and fattens the the desire or vasana. The Chakra or wheel of Vasana, Karma, Bhoga, is ever revolving.

Thought itself is the real Karma.

— Ancient Philosophy. 

Physical action is the manifestation of thought.

— Ancient Philosophy.

Karma is the action.

The Real meaning of karma is action, deed, activity. Karma is action itself. Without action there is no dharma or no inherent nature, no artha or wealth, no kama or work and no moksha or salvation.

You have come to this earth because of your karma.

You have come to this world or planet earth because of your past actions or karma.

How to escape from the trap of karma?

Give up Bhoga. Practise renunciation, discrimination and dispassion. Destroy the Vasanas by eradicating ignorance or Ajnana through Brahma Gyan, the Knowledge of the Imperishable. Then alone the wheel which binds a man to this Samsara will stop revolving. Then alone you become Knower of the Self.

Laws of Karma >

1. What goes around comes around.

2. what you sow so shall you reap.

3. Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action.

Karma for future.

According to the ancient philosophy, the sum of a individual person’s good and bad deeds or actions in this and previous life or states of existence, viewed as affecting their future.

Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.
Start your journey to find or explore the concepts of karma with ancient science.
See the next post and keep exploring further.