What exactly is Samyama? or Sanyam?
Simultaneous application of Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi is known as Samyama.
Dharna, dhyan, samadhi = samayam
When Yogi progresses from Dharana=concentration, Dhyana=meditation and Samadhi and successful in Samyama, acquires knowledge of the object of Samyama.
By constant practice of ‘samyama’ on objects, Yogi attains the ability to obtain the knowledge of objects of Samyama.
While acquiring the knowledge of object of Samyama, a Yogi doesn’t need the necessity of any external aids like instruments and so on.
The knowledge obtained purely depends on Intellect. Highly advanced Yogis and Maharshis employed Samyama for penetrating into hidden knowledge in nature. They could unearth many secrets. They developed hard to make out and deep sciences and technologies. One such science developed for the perennial benefit of entire humanity and Nature is the one dealing with subtle forces and energies of Macrocosmos. This helps to predict accurately the changes and final outcome in the weather enabling people to initiate timely actions. This acts like a powerful torch light in dark night enabling the traveler to continue journey comfortably.