Body is a Community

Human body is a community

Human Body
Inseparable Accomplished
A group = A body

Human body is a group

parts of a body which are not separable from each other. In other words it is inseparable accomplished body.
A Human Body, in essence, is a collection of distinct and different parts and sense organs. These cannot be separated from the body. They all function as one unit.

“Deva bhaagam yadhaa poorve sanjanaana upaasate”
— Rig Veda.
— As all the sense organs and all parts of the human body
Work in harmony for achieving the highest eminence.
These are considered as Ayuta Siddavayava Samuday.


A Human Body, in essence, is a collection or a group of distinct and different parts and sense organs.

The human body is the best picture of the human soul.