Understand the Vedas

Overview of Vedic Science

To understand Vedas to some extent study of the following are needed.
1. Upavedas

2. Vedanga

3. Vedopangas

4. Brahmanas

5. Aranyakas

6. Upanishads

To study these scriptures take considerable time period.
Out of them consider Vedangas.

Vedangas Are:

1. Siksha
2. Vyakarana
3. Jyotisha.
4. Kalpa.
5. Niruktha.
6. Chandas.
Out of them consider one of them namely Vyakarana
Out Of Nine Vyakaranas consider one of them namely Panini’s Ashtadhyayi.
For this Asthtadhyayi detailed commentary = Mahabhashya was written by Maharshi Patanjali.

Learning period:

One takes more than four years for learning the Mahabhashya.

Other branches of Vedic Sciences

Books were written on several branches of technologies,
Space Technologies,
And So On.
Countless tantra texts were written on many branches of knowledge.

Difficulties in understanding the mantras

It is very difficult to interpret the meaning of a Veda Mantra. When the words are separated of a mantra, based on the way the words are separated, the same mantra gives different meanings.

What about ordinary human being?

Commentaries from the modern intellectuals on the Atharvana Veda Parisishta Sutras:

1. “This is all nonsense”
– Horace Hayman Wilson

2. “It was not merely nonsense, but that it was utter nonsense”.
– R.T.H. Griffith

3. “I do not understand’ this unintelligible, it is beyond me”
– Colebrook


The Vedas are the scriptures of all true knowledge. It is the paramount duty of all noble people to read them.

The human body is the best picture of the human soul.