Updated 2 min. ago

Ancient wisdom >

Learn the world’s ancient wisdom, the daily dose of ancient wisdom here.

ancient wisdom

Creation from the Sacred Processes

Creation of Mysterious Fragrance. It is not in the capacity of ordinary persons to do that. Highly enlightened seekers, yogis or masters who are firmly

The Five Bodies

Body is a Community

Human body is a community Human BodyTreeAtomInseparable AccomplishedA group = A body Human body is a group parts of a body which are not separable

Choose your focus

Universe is Created by God

The Creator or god has settled the creation of this universe.  God is the creator of the universe, and you are the part of the

you alone is my master. I seek your shelter for solace.

God is the Friend of All

Is God our friend? God is Friend of all, and is the Holiest of all, Controller of the Universe, He is the Lord Almighty, the

why you are here, why you are here in the universe, Girl explore mystery in the universe.

The Ultimate Reality

Speech cannot reveal Him, the one who causes speech to appear, perceive that alone as ‘brahm’ the ulitimate reality, not the one who people worship

ancient wisdom >

learn ancient wisdom >

The ancient higher wisdom is the knowledge of the unknown reality or the secret beyond the cosmos. It is the wisdom or knowledge of the secret reality, the hidden creator of the universe, the hidden imperishable.

Ancient wisdom, the wisdom of the vedas is categorized into four categories.

rigveda wisdom >

samaveda wisdom >

yajurveda wisdom >

atharvaveda wisdom >

Daily wisdom >