Creation from the Sacred Processes

Creation of Mysterious Fragrance.

It is not in the capacity of ordinary persons to do that. Highly enlightened seekers, yogis or masters who are firmly in ancient secret practices, yoga practice and undergone practical training under preceptors who are experts, alone could accomplish such creations.

Production of Fragrance by the master.

Production is possible through sacred processes or science of sun (solar science). Production of Fragrance or essence through sun science by the master. Master told disciple to start naming ingredients, one by one, which formed the mysterious fragrance, as per description given in ancient scriptures. Disciple started naming them: blue lotus, musk, etc. As each name was being pronounced, so also master moved his hand each time in space. By the time disciple named the last ingredient; Master brought his hand close to disciple and other disciples and asked them to smell the mysterious fragrance. Master told disciple that as he kept naming each ingredient, i kept attracting the same out of the Sun’s rays by the process of sun science and by the time the last ingredient was added the fragrance was created. Primal disciple and other disciples present smelled the fragrance which was marvelously sweet and enchanting.” 

Creation of non organic and organic items

Scores of other disciples were direct witnesses to the creation of valuable diamonds, gems and pearls of different types and shades; ornaments of gold; sweets of various descriptions etc.; fruits like grapes, pomegranates, apples and pine-apples etc; flowers like lotus, rose, jasmine, a flower of paradise etc; butter, coconut oil and numerous other articles, through the sun science.

The only real valuable thing is intuition.