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New to Ancient science? welcome to ancient science website. There’s a lot of content here, and you certainly don’t have to read it all at once, but here’s the order we suggest for beginners.

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Asato Ma Sadgamaya

Meaning of the mantra: O’ God, lead us from the untruth to the truthfrom darkness to lightfrom death to immortality. Mantra in Sanskrit असतो मा

It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.

The Dark Nature

What is darkness? Indistinguishable Darkness? what is that darkness? According to the ancient philosophy That darkness was Asat. Asat Asat was there before Creation. Attributes

Yajur Veda

Yajur Veda 17.91

The essence meaning of the Yajurveda 17.91 mantra or verse The four levels of expansion, in the three worlds, Yajurveda 17.91 mantra. Chatvari shringa trayo

When you let go you create space for better things to enter your life..

Action and Reaction Law

The cycle of action and reaction First reaction CREATION PROCESS ACTION AND REACTION CYCLEWhat happens when Maya gets agitated?In Maya the action and reaction cycle

Ancient science cosmos

The Subtle form of Energy

Subtle force of creation The Rayi is in the subtle form of energy with different levels capable of    transforming into the matter of various forms

Super natural powers

The Higher Supernatural Powers

Consciousness on the subtle world HOW YOGI FIXES CONSCIOUSNESS ON SUBTLE WORLD AND DISCRIMINATES? It needs higher yogic powers. HIGHER SUPERNATURAL POWERS It is with