The Dark Nature

What is darkness?

Indistinguishable Darkness?

what is that darkness?

According to the ancient philosophy

That darkness was Asat.

Asat Asat was there before Creation.

Attributes of Asat: (1) Eternal (2) Pervading

Various Names of Asat: (1)Moola Prakriti (2) Avyakta = Unmanifested

The State of Asat

Asat= Moola Prakriti

Asat is the state of equilibrium of the three Gunas namely Satwa, Raja and Tamas.

This state represents pulsating Swadha.

TRANSFORMATION Transformation of Asat

During Creation Asat transforms itself into Sat.

That is avyakta = Unmanifested gets transformed into Vyakta = the Manifested.

TRANSFORMATION OF ASAT The evolution of Moola Prakriti takes place into its Vikara = Deformation as Mahattatwa

“The First Stage in Evolution Is supported by its Cause” -Cardinal Cosmic Law


Asat is the state of equilibrium of the three Gunas namely Satwa, Raja and Tamas. This state represents Pulsating Swadha. It appears breathing without air. This state is Intensified Darkness, Indistinguishable Darkness.

During Creation Asat transforms itself into Sat= Mahattatwa.

It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.