explore soul >


What is soul?

Soul is the incorporeal or immaterial essence of a living being. In other words soul is the formless essence of a being.  1. The life


Concept of Soul

The word Atma is a sanskrit word, which means soul or spirit

The Five Bodies

Soul is never born nor does it ever die

Soul is unborn and immortal What is destrution of soul? Soul is eternal, but violence, untruth, theft, unchastity, apprehension are such that destroy the soul.


Two type of soul in the universe

There are two soul in the universe, the individual soul and the supreme soul. One is the soul of individual body and another is the


Is the Soul Immortal?

Does the Soul die? or is it immortal? What is the truth? 1. Basic Truth 1. The soul is immortal. Without the fundamental acceptance of

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the philosophy of the soul >

The word atman means the soul. Atman is the essence of the body.

Soul >

supreme soul >

individual soul >

science of soul >

secret science of body>

Body a micro cosmos?

What is avastha?

The word avastha is a sanskrit word which means state or level.