What is Ancient Science?

Ancient science has existed since the beginning of humanity. The oldest science among all sciences is ancient science. The first science that existed was ancient science, and it is ancient science, it will remain ancient science. Because this ancient science existed at the beginning of the universe, and this is the science that will survive even after all other sciences disappear. Ancient science is eternal and hidden science. No one knows where this ancient science came from because it is the oldest science of the universe. But humanity has inherited this science. What is that ancient inheritance from which we have come across this ancient science?

Ancient Inheritance.

Do we know what our heritage is, what is our inheritance? Does every person in the world know about his heritage or inheritance? Does he know where he came from? ‘What is my inheritance? To what am I an heir? To all that humanity has achieved during tens of thousands of years, to all that it has thought and felt and suffered and taken pleasure in, to its cries of triumph and its bitter agony of defeat, to that astonishing adventure of man which began so long ago and yet continues and beckons to us. To all this and more in common with all men. But there is a special inheritance for those of us of world . . . something that is in our flesh and blood and bones, that has gone to make us what we are and what we are likely to be.’  And that special inheritance is an ancient inheritance, heritage or legacy.

Ancient Culture.

That inheritance is in our flesh and blood and bones is contained in the world’s oldest science (ie. ancient science), in the vedas and wisdom of the Vedas and all these we know and designate as Ancient culture. 

The present ancient science website is an exposition of the fundamental tenets of Ancient culture. These have been inherited by those of us who look to the past with pleasure, pride, and prestige.

1. Definition of Ancient Science

Ancient science is the world’s oldest science. This science is the secret science of the cosmos and beyond. What exactly is ancient science? let us explore the exact meaning of ancient science.

Meaning of Ancient Science.

The word ‘ancient science’ means the oldest science. When we talk about this ancient science, it means the oldest science of the world. What is the world’s oldest science? 

World’s oldest science.

Ancient science is the world’s oldest science, or the most ancient science of the world, in other words the oldest science of the universe.

The World's oldest science or ancient science

2. Origin of Ancient Science.

Where did ancient science come from? How did ancient science come?

Ancient science is the science of veda. The source of ancient science is veda. This ancient science is hidden in the vedas. This Ancient science or wisdom was revealed to the ancient spiritual seekers or ancient enlightened sages and is derived from the ancient culture.

from the Vedas..

This ancient science, is hidden in the veda and found in the world’s oldest scripture, the Vedas. This is why ancient science is the science of the vedas. what is veda? The vedas are the world’s oldest scripture in the library of humankind. This is why the science hidden in the veda or vedas is the oldest or ancient science.

Cultural origin..

Cultural origin of ancient science – We can adopt this science through our ancient culture.The greatest heritage of ancient culture is ancient science. Ancient culture is based on this ancient science.

Culture > Ancient Science

3. How ancient is ancient science?

How old is ancient science? Ancient science is the science or knowledge which is present in the beginning of humankind, this is why ancient science is the oldest science in the world. In other words, ancient science is the world’s oldest science, and is the oldest science on the earth. To find out how old the ancient science is, is to find out how old the universe is, which is not yet possible through modern science, although there are no historical dates and records of how old ancient science is, most of its science can be traced from the beginning of creation till now, through ancient literature.

The Eternal Science. 

Is ancient science eternal? Eternal Source of ancient science?

Where did all the knowledge come from? Did it come from nature? Or does it have a physical origin? God or nature is the Source of All Wisdom. This ancient science or knowledge is hidden everywhere in nature. In other words, it is hidden in the cosmos and beyond. 

Ancient science is eternal. It has no physical origin, it is already present in the universe and beyond the universe. Physically, nobody knows where did this knowledge come from.

most ancient science?

We all know that the universe itself is the oldest, so science of the universe is the oldest. This is why science of universe, astronomy or cosmos is one of the oldest science.

oldest science?

Ancient science is the science of the vedas and the Vedas are the oldest scripture in the library of mankind, so ancient science is the oldest science.

world's oldest science

4. What ancient science contains?

What ancient science consisit? What’s Inside Ancient Science?

Ancient science contains, 

Ancient science consists of science of universe or cosmos and beyond. It basically contains the science of life, universe, spirituality, mind, body, matter, astronomy, mathematics, health, medicine and plants etc.

Ancient Science wisdom.

‘The texts of the ancient science are not to be read simply, they are meant for meditation . . . The very first verse of ancient science scripture makes out that this world is a perpetual procession of events where everything supersedes another. But this passing show is not all. It is informed by the Supreme Spirit, enveloped by God. We should not look at the world merely from the outside as a succession of events but perceive beneath it the burning intensity of significance which penetrates the succession. Every occasion of the world is a means for transfiguring our insight. By renouncing everything we become the lords of everything.’

Two type of science.

Ancient science basically contains two types of science ie. material science and spiritual science. In other words ancient science contains two types of science, science of spirituality and materiality.

The supreme science >

Ancient Science is the essence or culmination of Supreme Knowledge. It is the study or science of Supreme Reality. It is entering into the study of Supreme Reality. It is the science which raises human above the plane of material world or worldliness.

The hidden Science. 

This ancient science is hidden in the veda and parallely within the causal world of subtle cosmos and in the causal body of microcosmos.

The Secret Science. 

Secret science of cosmosThis knowledge or science is the secret science of the cosmos and beyond. It is the secret science of life, and is hidden in the world’s oldest scripture, the vedas.

The Science of Veda. 

Ancient Science is the science of the veda. It is hidden in the the Vedas, the repository of knowledge. This science is the culmination of the Vedas. This science helps you to reach the reality of the universe. This science is entering into the study of supreme reality. This Science will take you into the Higher Dimension of Existence. this is the science which raises human above the plane of worldliness.

Ancient Science is a light house in the ocean of knowledge, where human mind can anchor at safe point during the turmoil and tempest.
Ancient Science - Science of vedas

5. Why to study ancient science?

Why should we study ancient science?

Understand the universe.

The universe cannot be known without ancient science. What was there in the beginning of creation? How will we know this? Unless we know the science that existed in that period, we will not be able to know the universe. And that is ancient science. The knowledge that existed in the beginning of the universe was ancient science, it is eternal science, this ancient science is eternal.

Benefits of study.

Is there any benefit to this knowledge? Benefits of study of ancient science lead to the spiritual progress.

Spiritual Progress.

The secrets of ancient science are like ready-made compressed tablets. You will have to simply follow their instructions implicitly with perfect, unswerving faith and devotion. Then alone can you make any progress in the spiritual path and attain the goal of life.

6. How to know ancient science.

Can this knowledge be acquired from the beginning?

These are all authoritative. You must not spend much time in making the preliminary experiments once more. Your whole life-time is not sufficient for making these experiments and researches.

7. Understand the social structure of the world.

We should understand the social structure of the world.

Social Structure.

IN recent times there is an upsurge of persons in world who are anxious to overhaul and completely reconstruct the social structure of the modern world.

These people endorse the widely prevalent view that whatever has been achieved so far in the course of evolution has been based only on selfishness, jealousy, distrust, hatred, greed, avarice, and aggrandisement.

And since these elements have ultimately led to restlessness and war, this thinking intelligentia proposes to substitute them with the other and the exactly opposite qualities of truth, love, sympathy, self-abnegation, and sacrifice in order to create a new world.

The emergence of this type of spiritual awakening in the world which is the stronghold of materialism is not surprising in the context of the degenerated present conditions.

8. Exposition of Ancient Science.

This ancient science inspires us to achieve both kinds of growth in life, material as well as spiritual. Ancient science shows us which of the two paths we should adopt.

Materialism vs spiritualism..

But centuries ago, Ancient saints and sages had come to the conclusion that the elements on which materialism was based were without content.

They upheld that humanity could not move even one step forward by making them the basic principles of life.

9. FAQs. on ancient science.

Ancient Science in india. 

The ancient sages had acquired this ancient science in a state of deep meditation. But centuries ago, Ancient Indian saints and sages had come to the conclusion that the elements on which materialism was based is actually based on the spiritualism.

Ancient and Modern Science.

What is ancient science and modern science? Ancient science was a very evolved science and is still equally advanced today. Modern science is inferior compared to ancient sciences.  

Explore Ancient Science
Start your journey to find or explore the fundamental and basic mysterious questions and answers of life with ancient science.
Why your are here in this universe?  And What is the mystery of life? In order to know this, See the next post and keep exploring further.