A no bhadrah kratavo yantu visvato.adabdhaso aparitasa udbhidah, deva no yatha sadamid vrdhe asannaprayuvo raksitaro dive-dive
Meaning of the mantra.
1. Let noble thoughts come to us from every side.
2. May auspicious benevolent doers of good deeds, inviolable or un-molested from all quarters, un-forsakable or worthy of association,annihlators of all miseries, learned men endowed with divine virtues ever come to our homes to give us knowledge. May they be our protectors every day for our advancement, never failing their duties, being alert or devoid of laziness.
3. As a well-built good house suitable in all seasons gives all happiness, in the same manner, men should know that knowledge, learned persons and yajnas consiting of art and crafts cause happiness to- all.