Rig Veda 1.2.2

वाय उक्थेभिर्जरन्ते त्वामच्छा जरितारः ।
सुतसोमा अहर्विदः ॥

vaya ukthebhirjarante tvamacha jaritarah
sutasoma aharvidah. 

Meaning of the mantra.

Rigveda 1.2.2 : God is to be glorified and the properties of the air are to be described for the benefit of all.

Rigveda 1.2.2
Vedic thought based on the mantra.

1. O God of Infinite Power : Thy praisers or devotees glorify Thee well with the Mantras, (Holy Verses) being desirous of attaining true knowledge and having prepared the Juice of Soma and other plants for medical experiments.

2. The other meaning is about Vayu or air. The scientists praise it or describe its properties so that it may be utilised properly.

3. In this Mantra also, there is Shleshalankara-Paronomasia or double entendre, so that by the term Vayu. both meanings God and air are to be taken. God is to be glorified and the properties of the air are to be described for the benefit of all. Both the sciences-the science of God (Brahma Vidya) and the science of physics should be studied and honoured.

– Vedic translation