What is Truth?

Truth is a light. To understand the real purpose of life, it is necessary for us to illuminate the light of truth. Truth has different dimensions. One is relative truth and other is absolute truth.

Truth is one?

The ultimate truth is one, but the dimensions of truth are different. The form or nature of truth is also different in different dimensions.

Two kinds of truth. 

Ancient science tells us that truth also has two forms. There are two types of truth, one is relative truth and other one is the absolute truth.

What is truth according to the ancient science and philosophy?

Truth is the state of consciousness. It is the higher state of consciousness or reality.

There is an reality hidden behind everything. That reality is the state of truth and the truth of life.

There is a light in truth, that light is the light of truth.

Truth is one, seekers call it by various names.

How can you know the truth?

The purpose of life is to reach the real truth. To reach the truth of life is to reach the ultimate goal of life. To reach the truth, we have to know the truth of life.

What is the nature of truth?

Absolute Truth is Changeable. Truth is a state, according to the ancient philosophy it is a state of consciousness.

Unless you have the power of intuition, you cannot possibly know Truth