Life and Diseases

What happens when humans destroy harmonious life?

Deviation from harmony causes disturbance in nature of humans.
Disturbance in nature is the root for acquiring diseases.
Deviation from nature causes both physical and mental disturbances in humans.

Human ailments are caused by vitiation of
Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

Vata ailments are caused by sky element and air element.
Air element causes rapidity of force, shaking and friction and so on.
Vata ailments are more aggressive during early morning times. Heart attacks are more prone during this time.
Vata ailments:
Chest pain, Facial paralysis, mental instability, Headache, Cataract, abdominal pain and so on.
These are about 80 types.

PITTA ailments are caused by fire element and water element.
Fire element causes heat, burning, motion and so on.
Pitta ailments are more aggressive during midday.
Pitta ailments:
Burning sensation in the chest, Jaundice, Conjunctivitis and so on.
These are about 40 types.

Kapha ailments are caused by water element and earth element.
Water element causes liquidity, floods, swelling and so on.
Kapha ailments are more aggressive during morning and evening.

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