The Vedas

The sanskrit word veda means knowledge. According to the ancient philosophers, the vedas are the source of all the sciences. It contains within itself the seeds of all Sciences. It includes all Sciences and excludes none.

Veda is eternal and it is not human born knowledge. It is authorless? No veda is not authorless, the creator of universe (god) revealed the veda, in the beginning of humankind. What exactly is the vedas? The vedas are a large body of secret sacred texts originating in ancient India. 

Learn the ancient science of vedas

The word veda means knowledge, what is knowledge then? according to the vedas, the knowledge is consiousness or the pragyana. In other word knowledge is knowingness. knowingness of what? knowingness of everything is knowledge or the veda. According to the ancient scriptures like Upanishad and to the uanimous opinion of all the ancient sages, seer and authors of indian philosophy system, the vedas were  revealed by god in the beginning of Humankind or human creation. To know more about the vedas learn or explore the science of vedas.

Learn the Rigveda

The sanskrit word rigveda means the science of things. Rigveda is the padarth vidya, which means the science of elements. The first mantra of the Rigveda vedas is “agnimile purohitam yajnasya devam rtvjam hotaram ratna dhatamam”

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