Spreading of Knowledge from Ancient India

Most of ancient civilizations were benefited from the knowledge imparted from Ancient India. Besides from various Universities, Maharishis or sages used to stay in Samadhi in undisturbed areas like Himalayas and such similar places. Maharishis or sages who used to stay in remote areas like Siberia also spread knowledge. The place which used to be frequented by staying Rishis attained the name Rishi alaya or Rushi Alaya.

Alaya is the place of residence of pious persons. The plural of Rishi is Rishiya. This gradually assumed the name Russia. If thorough investigation is undertaken many Sanskrit names could be found in that area and surrounding lands.

Modern historians and scientists believe that whatever distorted knowledge prevalent in some of old civilizations around the world had been spread from Ancient india.

The only real valuable thing is intuition.