Who Created the Universe?

No one has ever seen the universe being formed in front of their eyes, and the expansion that is taking place in the universe is also not visible to the eyes. Therefore no one knows how the universe was formed. The universe is known only on the basis of what is known. No one knows for sure when and how it was made. 

No one knows?

No one knows for sure when and how it was made. But someone believes that it has been created. This belief cannot be denied.

The question arises that when no one has seen it being made, nor has anyone seen its creator, then is there a creator of the universe or not? Did the universe come into being on its own, is it its own creator? Is the universe itself God?

Was the universe created by the Big Bang?

It is said that there was an explosion after which the universe began, but the question arises that how did this explosion happen, who did it and where. The beginning is not the Big Bang, the beginning of the universe goes beyond this. Ancient philosophy tells that the universe had a spiritual beginning and there is a spiritual reason behind it.

There is a spiritual cause behind the creation of the universe.

Many reasons or causes are seen behind the universe at different levels, but if we talk about its real reason or cause, then this spiritual cause is the real cause for the universe.

What is the spiritual cause?

spiritual cause is the efficient cause.


How does the universe move?

The physical form of the universe.

Causal form of the universe.

There is a form of the universe which is visible and there is also a form which is not visible.
The causal nature of the universe is never created; it already exists and never ends. On the basis of this it is said that in reality the universe is never formed. It is the causal form that takes shape and gets transformed in physical form.

Majority of people, including many scientists believe that the universe was created by God, but there are some scientists who believe that the universe was not created by God. They believe that the universe was not created by anyone, the universe itself was created.

Father of creation.

Ancient scriptures consider God, the supreme being as the Father of creation.

Is there any creator of the universe? 

Or there is no creator of the universe? If not then who created the universe?

Is it possible that there is no creator of the universe?

Essence :

God created the Universe. According to ancient science and philosophy, the supreme lord, God has settled the creation of this universe.

Logic 1:

The universe is visible but its creator is not visible, So is there no one who created the universe?

What does Modern Science says?

What modern science says about the creator of the universe?

Some renowned scientists say that – Universe is not created by God. Is this mean that there is no creator of the universe?

Then who created the universe?
modern science is still seeking the answer to this question.

1. God is the creator

According to ancient science and philosophy, the world is created. Its creator is the aforesaid God. The existence of design in the universe as well as the fact that the dead or inert matter is incapable of molding itself into different ordered forms, such as seeds, proves that It must have a Creator.

2. Supreme lord?

The supreme lord has settled the creation of this universe.

God is the owner or the lord of the universe. Therefore, enjoy with a spirit of renunciation. Do not desire the wealth of others.

– Isha Upanishad 1

2. The universe is created by god.

God is the creator of the universe. The supreme lord has settled the creation of this universe. 

The universe is so big, we have to understand what to do in this universe, what not to do, what is the goal. How to live in this universe has been explained in ancient science, let us see.

How to live in the universe?

You are the consumer of the universe, not the creator.

Therefore, enjoy with a spirit of renunciation. Do not desire the wealth of others.