What is Upanishad?

Upanishad is the ancient sacred text of secret spiritual teachings dealing with the ultimate truth and its realisation. The etymological meaning of the word “upanishad” is that by which one can come close to supreme reality, the Supreme Spirit or God.

What exactly are the upanishads? Upanishads are the Knowledge portion of the Vedas. The source of upanishad is the veda.  Next to the vedas, upanishad are the the most important repositories of the vedic thought. Upanishad have inspired people all over the world with the secret knowledge.

The texts of the Upanishads are not to be read simply. They are meant for meditation.

Upanishad, the Brahman Granthas?

It may be recalled that the Brahmana Granthas arc the ritualistic interpretation of the Vedas but the Upanishads discard ritualism and lay emphasis on the philosophical and spiritual side of life.

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