Yajur Veda 1.5 Posted by Sumit Sharma on 19/09/201607/05/2021 Fifth Mantra of the Yajurveda –Agne vratapate vratam carisyami tacchakeyam tanme radhyatam.Idamahamanrtat satyamupaimi The original mantra in sanskrit –अग्ने व्रतपते व्रतं चरिष्यामि तच् छकेयं तन् मे राध्यताम् ।इदम् अहम् अनृतात् सत्यम् उपैमि ॥Meaning of the mantra –1. There is a controller fire in the cosmos, it is lord or owner of laws.2. It is the controller of vows, the vows of faith.Subject of the mantra – Diety – Agni Devata, Rishi – Parameshthi Prajapati, Chhanda – Anushtup Swara – Gandhara Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail