Everything in the universe is pervaded by the mystery.
That mystery is the supreme controller, supreme creator and the supreme lord of the entire universe.
Mystery is the supreme lord
Supreme lord has settled the creation of this universe. Everything is pervaded by the god. God is the owner of the universe. Therefore, enjoy with a spirit of renunciation. Do not desire the wealth of others. Universe’ means ‘that which has motion’, ‘creation’ means ‘motion-dynamic’.
Motion is everywhere in the universe.
Everything of the world has movement. There is motion in the sun, earth, moon, stars, there is movement in each of their fragment.
Why there is motion in the universe?
Is this movement accidental? No, there is someone who provides this movement, some ‘master’, some ‘supreme being’. While providing movement, that supreme being is not sitting aloof, he dwells in each and every moving atom. When he dwells in each and every particle, and that also in the capacity of a ‘master’-supreme being, then what is ours?-all this belongs to Him. With what rationale will he enjoy the universe, if man maintains that it is He who is the master of this universe? He will indeed realise that he eats what He provides, drinks what He offers, have recourse to what He provides. He will enjoy the material world, understanding that all is His, all is the property of god not mine, he will enjoy with wisdom in renunciation, he will act but with a sentiment of detachment. All objects in the world belong to Him, hence thinking of His objects as one’s own is like stealing. whatever one has, when that also is perceived as stealing, in that case attempting to own whatever is someone else’s instead is double theft from His point of view. He who understands that the world is active, (moving, dynamic), that movement cannot come without its bestower, movement (action) is inside every particle (atom), therefore the bestower of movement also dwells in each particle (atom), He alone is the lord of all this, in that case he cannot present before Him any other view point besides enjoyment which is untainted, unattached and forsaken.)