What Scholars think about Vedas?

Opinions of intellectuals on vedas.

1. Veda means knowledge and the vedas are really an ocean of knowledge.”

– Yajur veda

2. The vedas are the scriptures of true knowledge. It is the paramount duty of all the aryas to read them, teach them, recite them and hear them. ”

– Maharishi dayanand saraswati

3. “The Vedic hymns contain every noble idea on goodness, uprightness and purity of life. They are precious literary documents, of which every human may be rightful, proud”

– Mr. Rawlinson

4. “When we read with attention, the philosophical books of the east, we are constrained to bend our knees before them we find in that cradle of human race, the highest philosophy”.

– Victor Coarsens

5. “Oh! Blessed law of the Hindus, thou art worthy of reference for thee God has revealed true knowledge”.

– Mr. Ismail Malakusshera, An Arabian Scholar.

6. What is found in vedas exists no where else.

– Lord Morley


Vedas are the scripture of true knowledge.

the vedas oldest scripture in the world