10 Teachings of the Upanishads that can change your life.


There is a mystery hidden within everything bursting to reveal itself.

There is a mystery hidden within everything in the universe and beyond. The whole life is a journey to find, that mystery of life. To find that mystery or secret is the real purpose of life. Everyone is searching for something in life, but in reality, it is the mystery which everyone is in search for.


There is a secret within everything.


In the beginning there was nothing here whatsoever.


There is creator.

When we look at the universe, a question arises within us, that  Who created the universe? who is the lord or owner of the universe? There is a creator who created the universe, the creator is the lord of the universe. The Ancient science says that, the supreme lord or the creator has settled this universe.


You are not the body, you are the soul.


Do not covet what belongs to other.


Secret is within you.


Visible and invisible are inseparable.


Everything is pervaded by the supreme self.


Truth is one, seekers call it by various names.

Truth is one, seekers call it by various names.
Start your journey to find or explore the teachings of upanishad with ancient science.
See the next post and keep exploring further.