#Start Here

New to Ancient science? welcome to ancient science website. There’s a lot of content here, and you certainly don’t have to read it all at once, but here’s the order we suggest for beginners.

Start below, find topics that add value to your life, and take your time. There’s nothing wrong with moving slowly.

You can't do anything without inspiration

Inspiration Is Everywhere

Inspiration Is Everywhere. The whole universe is full of inspiration, there is inspiration everywhere.

reading ancient science

What is the need of ancient teachings?

Could the knowledge we have today be obtained without prior knowledge? Could modern knowledge have developed without ancient science? Modern science requires ancient science. Without

secret of the worlds

You have to come this way.

You have to come this way. Without this there is no way to reach it. This is your way to come and go. Of coming

who am i

There is only one way.

There is only one way.There is no other way other than this. No one else will be able to take you on that path,You will

learn rigveda
Rig Veda

Rig veda 6.75.18

मर्माणि ते वर्मणा छादयामि सोमस्त्वा राजामृतेनानु वस्ताम् ।उरोर्वरीयो वरुणस्ते कृणोतु जयन्तं त्वानु देवा मदन्तु ॥ marmani te varmana chadayami somastva rajamrtenanu vastamurorvariyo varunaste krnotu jayantam

learn rigveda
Rig Veda

Rig veda 1.164.45

चत्वारि वाक्परिमिता पदानि तानि विदुर्ब्राह्मणा ये मनीषिणः ।गुहा त्रीणि निहिता नेङ्गयन्ति तुरीयं वाचो मनुष्या वदन्ति ॥ catvari vak parimita padani tani vidurbrahmana ye manisinahguha trini