#Start Here

New to Ancient science? welcome to ancient science website. There’s a lot of content here, and you certainly don’t have to read it all at once, but here’s the order we suggest for beginners.

Start below, find topics that add value to your life, and take your time. There’s nothing wrong with moving slowly.

The Five Bodies

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfullness is the state of mind It is the state of total awareness of mind. Practice mindfulness. How to be aware everytime? In order to

Ancient Science and technology

How metals are formed?

Metals are hidden all around us. Where does the metals come from? All the metals come from the earth, all the metals are hidden deep


What is Superway?

Superway: It contains movements of millions of universes or cosmos of different sizes. Superway contains the structure of the microcosmos. Cosmic mathematics Mathematics dealing with

ancient wisdom

Creation from the Sacred Processes

Creation of Mysterious Fragrance. It is not in the capacity of ordinary persons to do that. Highly enlightened seekers, yogis or masters who are firmly


The Master and Disciple

The story of master and disciple. The master and the disciple both are the seeker of the unknown and the known reality. Master know something


What Scholars think about Vedas?

Opinions of intellectuals on vedas. 1. Veda means knowledge and the vedas are really an ocean of knowledge.” – Yajur veda 2. The vedas are