#Start Here

New to Ancient science? welcome to ancient science website. There’s a lot of content here, and you certainly don’t have to read it all at once, but here’s the order we suggest for beginners.

Start below, find topics that add value to your life, and take your time. There’s nothing wrong with moving slowly.

learn rigveda
Rig Veda

Rigveda Hymn 10.1

Rigveda Sukta 10.1 > १०,००१.०१ अग्रे बृहन्नुषसामूर्ध्वो अस्थान्निर्जगन्वान्तमसो ज्योतिषागात् ।१०,००१.०१ अग्निर्भानुना रुशता स्वङ्ग आ जातो विश्वा सद्मान्यप्राः ॥१०,००१.०२ स जातो गर्भो असि रोदस्योरग्ने चारुर्विभृत ओषधीषु

remove obstacles

What is the true purpose of life?

Nothing could be achieved in this world, even the simple everyday dealings would be impossible if we try to escape from action. Surely none can

Constraints in Scientific Study
Rig Veda

Rigveda 10.90.4

त्रिपादूर्ध्व उदैत्पुरुषः पादोऽस्येहाभवत्पुनः । ततो विष्वङ्व्यक्रामत्साशनानशने अभि ॥ Tripadurdhva udait purusah pado.asyehabhavat punah . tato visvam vyakramat sasananasane abhi . Meaning of the mantra. Three-quarters

Every next level of your life will demand a different version of you.

What is our ancient heritage?

What is our ancient or primitive heritage? Do you know? what is your oldest heritage? what is your inheritance? there is a special inheritance for

Ancient indian sages

The wisdom of the sages

The wisdom of the sages This eternal secret wisdom was revealed to the Ancient sages or rishis. The ancient sages then given to the world