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The ancient concepts

The ancient concepts are concepts based on the world’s ancient science, the science of the vedas. Learn the world’s ancient concepts –  There are numerous

What is atman?

What is Atman?

What exactly is the atma? The Sanskrit word, atma means soul. so what exactly is the soul or atma? according to  the Nyaya Darshan 1.10,

Girl explore mystery in the universe

What is ishvara?

Ishvara is a sanskrit word, the word ishvara means god, the supreme being or supreme soul. Meaning of word ishvara Ishwar (from Ish – power,

Ancient Yoga

The science of yoga

The science of yoga is very ancient science.  It is the science of union. Science of yoga for health Science of yoga is the exact

The Five Bodies

What is Yoga?

Whenever there is talk of yoga, the image of exercises, poses or postures comes in the mind of most people, but the real meaning of

Life is a gift, wake up everyday and realize that

Unification with the Infinite

Yoga is unification The word Yoga means unification with infinite According to the ancient philosophy, the purpose of human life is unification with the infinite