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New to Ancient science? welcome to ancient science website. There’s a lot of content here, and you certainly don’t have to read it all at once, but here’s the order we suggest for beginners.

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Ancient science cosmos

Who Created the Universe?

No one has ever seen the universe being formed in front of their eyes, and the expansion that is taking place in the universe is


What is soul?

Soul is the incorporeal or immaterial essence of a living being. In other words soul is the formless essence of a being.  1. The life


Concept of Soul

The word Atma is a sanskrit word, which means soul or spirit

veda cover

Science of fire in the vedas

The science of fire in the vedas, the first mantra of the rigveda says that there is a self effulgent fire in the beginning.

The Five Bodies

The science of soul

Why science of soul? Ancient science, the science of soul? In order to know the knowledge about soul, What is the soul? What is the