Sama Veda

There is a leading fire, which is representing the goal of human life. This Mantra is similar to the Rigveda 6.16.10 

अग्न आ याहि वीतये ग्रृणानो हव्य दातये |
नि होता सत्सि बर्हिषि ||

– Samaveda mantra

Agna a yahi vitaye grnano havyadataye
Ni hota satsi barhisi

– Samaveda verse

– First Mantra of the Samaveda.

Meaning > 

O God, we realise Thee, as Thou art Luminous, Pervading and Giver of enjoyable objects. Thou art Worthy of adoration, present in the world and our soul, like a Hota in the Yajna.

 Translation >

Having been praised by us, come O adorable Lord, to bless the dedicated devotee with prosperity. May you be seated in our innermost heart, O liberal giver.

Vedic thought of the mantra >

O God, come to give us knowledge, and devotion we desire.
Sit in the sanctuary of our hearts, and draw us out of mire.

Come Agni, sung and celebrated, to join our feast of enlightenment, accept our homage to create the gifts of life and yajnic performance, and take the honoured seat in the assembly.

– Rigveda 6.16.10

Subject of the mantra >

Diety – Agni
Rishi –  Bharadvaja
Chhanda – Gayatri
Swara – Shadja
Kanda – Agni kandam

Sama Veda