Meaning of the mantra.
Poisonous creatures are of two types, based on minor and major poisonous qualities, aquatic and terrestrial, or visible and invisible.
There are some creatures of mild (poison) while others of strong venom. Some are acquatic (living in water), some reptiles snakes and some are insects, but they all are either destructive of life or ereate burning in the body. The anoint with their poison, we should have fully knowledge about them, so that proper treatment may be resorted to.
Translation in Hindi >
कुछ जीव हल्के (जहर) वाले होते हैं, तो कुछ तीव्र विष वाले। कुछ जलचर (पानी में रहने वाले), कुछ सरीसृप (सांप) और कुछ कीड़े-मकोड़े होते हैं, लेकिन ये सभी या तो जीवन को नष्ट करने वाले होते हैं या शरीर में जलन पैदा करते हैं। इनके विष से अभिषेक करने से पहले हमें इनके बारे में पूरी जानकारी होनी चाहिए, ताकि उचित उपचार किया जा सके।
कङ्कतो न कङ्कतोऽथो सतीनकङ्कतः ।
द्वाविति प्लुषी इति न्यदृष्टा अलिप्सत ॥
kankato na kankato.atho satinakankatah
dvaviti plusi iti nyadrsta alipsata
Subject of the Mantra >
The treatment of poison and its doctors is mentioned.
Thought based on this mantra >
Detailed Meaning of mantra.
Purport of the mantra.
As an unsteady man goes hither and thither, even after getting good teachers and preachers, in the same way some subtle poisonous creatures and insects attack the body, and escape from them sometimes becomes a problem.
Diety of the Mantra >
Devta of the mantra – Agastyo Maitravarunih, Agastya Rishi
Tags >
ऋग्वेद १,१९१.०१, Rigveda १,१९१.०१
RV_01.191.01.1{14}, RV_01.191.01.2{14}