Rigveda Book 1 

Rigveda Book 1 Contains 191 Suktas or 191 hymns or verses. Rigveda book 1 is the mandal 1 of the rigveda also known as Rigveda Mandal 1.

191 Sukta or Hymn.

Explore all the 191 suktas or hymns of the rigveda book 1 or mandala 1.

Rigveda 1.2

Rigveda 1.3

Rigveda 1.4

Rigveda 1.5

Rigveda 1.6

Rigveda 1.7

Rigveda 1.8

Rigveda 1.9

Rigveda 1.10

Rigveda 1.190

Rigveda 1.191