Why you are here?

There can be many reasons behind one reason, the answer to this question is also like this. There are many reasons behind the question “your reason of coming here”.

Why you are here or why we are here? The answer to both these questions is almost the same. There’s a myriad of reasons we’re here. The basic philosophical answer is that you have come here to explore life. 

The first reason.

So our first reason to be here is to explore life, and the second reason is also related to the first one, and the second reason is, to explore or discover something in life. Looking at life so far, it is also clear that you are searching for something in the life.

What are we searching for? We’ll see further what we’re searching or looking for.

Girl explore mystery in the universe
Illustration by Sumit Sharma

No reason for us to be here? 

Some thoughts say that there is no reason for us to be here. Could it be that you have come here without any purpose? Have you come to this universe without any purpose? Or is there some reason? It is certain that you have come here for some purpose.

You are here for a purpose.

There is a law of the universe that “Everything Has a Cause and everything happens for a reason.” There is nothing without a reason. In other words, without reason, nothing happens. If we follow this law then we have some reason to be here. So what is the purpose of coming here in this world? This is one of the deep hidden mystery of life. This is such a hidden secret or mystery that every person tries to find out in his life. In this article, we will find out, why you have come here? or why you are here in this world or universe?  

You are here in the search of something. 

This is your hidden purpose that you are here in the search of something hidden. There is something behind everything, we feel this everywhere. When a person is awake he sees something. He experiences what he sees. This cycle goes on and on. But there is something behind this which is not visible, it is not understandable. It is beyond our comprehension. This unknown is the biggest mystery of life. It is now clear that ‘You have come here in this universe to find something.’ You have just come here in search of that something, something unknown. You haven’t found what you’re looking for yet. The purpose of this life is to find that unknown. 

Looking for something unknown?

You are looking for something unknown in this life, something that makes life feel as though it has meaning. What is that something? what is that unknown? How to know that? What is that from which the unknown becomes known? In order to know that unknown something, you need to know the Ultimate Science or knowledge or the Absolute Science, i.e the Ancient Science. Start your journey to find or explore that something with ancient science.

What we know is a drop, what we don't know is an ocean
Start your journey to find or explore that something with ancient science.
Why Ancient Science? And what is ancient science? In order to know this, See the next post and keep exploring further.