Can we find out about the mystery of this life so easily? Don’t we think that some great mystery is hidden behind this life? What is mystery? Modern science says that, Something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain is the mystery.
Mystery is something secret.
Mystery is something secret, something unknown says ancient science. Everyone is searching for something in life. Everyone is searching for something unknown in this life, in the world and in the universe. No one knows what exactly is something, but it is what we search for throughout our entire lives. That something unknown is the mystery.

The Hidden mystery.
There is a mystery hidden within everything, bursting to reveal itself. There is a hidden mystery or secret in the universe.
What is the Mystery of life?
There is something hidden behind everything in life. Behind the names and forms, there is a mystery says the ancient science. The mystery is the reality. Try to feel the reality behind the forms. We will know what is the real mystery of life in the journey of this ancient science. This ancient science is a journey to know that secret, which no one can know himself. What is all this? Who will tell this? Can ancient science reveal all these mysteries? Let us see the answers to which mysteries will we get in the journey ahead.