There is a harmony in the nature, what type of harmony? the harmony of bliss and happiness?
Harmony is Law of Happiness.
All the creation is for harmony at all the levels, this is why, there is harmony everywhere in the nature.
Harmony everywhere
Harmony in the atoms, in the sub atomic particles, cells, trees, plants, body, planets, cosmos and beyond cosmos.
The experience of nature or natural things gives you the happiness.
Harmony is hidden in the nature
Hidden secret of harmony
harmony is there in the nature and is the requirement of all types of natures.
Perfect harmony in the cosmos
there is a mysterious force in the universe or cosmos which is responsible for maintaining Harmony.
Universal nature, which is the controlling force of creation for maintaining Harmony.
Destruction of harmony in nature
leads to the destruction of nature and natural disasters
Disruption of harmony in life
Diseases hinders the harmony in life.
Harmony in creation
Inherent harmony in the creation
There is a perfect geometry of harmony in the creation.
Controller of the harmony
universal cosmic nature is the controller of harmony in the creation.
Ensure Harmony
Balance of nature must not be tampered and should not be disturbed.
“The sun, the sky, the moon, the stars
Move in celestial harmony
Never violating the canons of the divine powers
Let man learn his lessons from nature’s theme
Live in peace and harmony
No matter how strong or how wise
Live within the realms of the divine scheme”
— Rig Veda.