What is Om? what is the meaning of om?

The word Om

The word om is the best or highest name of god. Om is also known as omkara. The word om is present in the mantras of vedas and Upanishads. Om is mentioned in following mantras of vedas and Upanishads – Rigveda 1.3.7, Yajurveda 2.13, Yajurveda 40.15, Yajurveda 40.17, Chandogya Upanishad 1.1.1, Mandukya Upanishad 1, kathopanishad 2.15

The highest name of god

The word Om is the highest and the best name of God. It is also the primary name of god. Because this one name comprises many other names of God. The word “om” is composed of three letters – A, U, M, So the word Aum denote many of his attributes. For instance,

A stands for Viraat, Agni and Vishwa, etc. .
U stands for Hiranyagarbha, Vaayu and Taijas, etc.
M stands for Ishwara, Aditya and Prajna, etc.

Virat: the Ruler of the universe

Agni : the Omniscient Being,

Vishwa:  the Omnipresent Being and the like divine appellatives

Hiranya Garbha: the Upholder of stars and planets

Vayu: the Omnipotent Being

Tejah : the Self-glorious Being, and such like Gods epithets.

Ishwar : the Lord, God

Aditya : the eternal being

Prajna : the Universal Intellect, and similar names of the Deity.

Thus the Divine Names are clearly and distinctly described in the Vedas and other philosophical scriptures and the context of the passages of all the vedic scriptures these names occur in, refers them to the Supreme Being alone.

The multitude of names like Indra signify not different Divine Beings but different aspects of one Absolute Existence.

Primordial word

Om is the Primordial word

Om is everything

“He Whom all the Vedas declare worthy of homage, Whom all devotion and righteous actions lead to, and for Whose realization, the life of Brahmacharya(chastity) is led, is called AUM.

Katha Upanishad 7.15