What are the Yamas?

The concept of Yama

Yama is ancient concept found in the vedas and other ancient vedic scripture like – upanishads, yoga darshan or yog shastra

Yamas are five in number

The 5 Yamas are as follows –

1. kindness to all

kindness, Harmlessness

2. Truthfulness in word, deed and thought

Strict devotion to veracity;

3. honesty in dealings

Honesty in word, deed and thought;

4. chastity

4. Abstinence from sexual indulgence; and 

5. Freedom from selfishness.

5. Abstinence from the headlong pursuit of worldly things and freedom from the prides of one’s possessions (such as wealth and Power).

Be strong in body, clean in mind, lofty in ideals