What is Mantra?

Mantra is generally called word or prayer. Is mantra just a word or a prayer? Mantra is not just a word, it contains power. Let us know what the mantra really is?

1. Mantra is that which frees your mind.

In Sanskrit, ‘man’ means ‘mind’ and ‘tra’ means ‘freeing.’ So a mantra is a phrase which is designed to free the mind.

2. Mantra is the Sacred word

Mantra is the Sacred word of power or syllable or set of words through the repetition and reflection of which one attains perfection or realisation of the Self.

3. Mantra is celestial sound

These mantras are present in the subtle cosmos in the form celestial sound. 

Where did the mantras come from?

All the mantras are in the Vedas, there are mantras in all the four Vedas. This mantra is not an ordinary word, it is full of power. Its power can be experienced on seeing the mantra in the deep higher state of meditation.

4. Mantras in the vedas

How many mantras are there in Vedas? Vedas are infinite, if we talk about Vedas then it means four Vedas. There are total 20,377 mantras in all four Vedas.

What is Veda Mantra?

The mantras or verses that are present in the vedas is known as veda mantras. Authentic mantras are the mantras of the vedas.

How can we Interpret or realise the Veda mantras?

Interpretation of mantra by mantra drashtas. A mantra drashta is interpretor of mantra. A sage, maharishi or seeker of truth, by applying concentration, meditation and spiritual cognition on a particular veda mantra, could interpret directly, they are the mantra drashtas.