The Ancient India

Ancient india is called as aryavarta. What is aryavarta? Aryavarta is the ancient name of india and is also known as the land of aryas. The tract in Northern India, occupied the Indo-Aryans in the early stage for their expansion.


The ancient indian civilization or vedic civilization is one of the most ancient civilization of the world. The ancient civilization possess secret of science some of which modern science has recovered, extended and made more rich and precise, but others even now not recovered.


The culture of ancient india

The culture of ancient india is very ancient, and is solely based on the vedas, the world’s ancient scripture. The ancient indian culture is known as vedic culture.

Vedic culture

This vedic culture rose in ancient india, the aryavarta, the holy land of aryas.


Ancient indian tradition

Ancient Indian tradition of knowledge beginning with the Vedas and other texts like upanishads.


Ancient Indian science and philosophy.

Wealth of ancient india

Past glory of ancient india

Ancient indian seers


Ancient Indian literature begins with the Vedas.

Scriptures of ancient india

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