What is philosophy?

Definition of Philosophy. 

Philosophy is the study of fundamental nature of life, mystery, existence, reality and  knowledge. In other words philosophy is simply the study of mystery, existence or life.

Word ‘Philosophy’ – The English word ‘philosophy’ has its root in the Greek term – ‘philo–sophia’.

1. Study of question of life. 

Philosophy is the study of fundamental questions of life. The philosophy is concerned with the understanding of the life and the universe.

2. Search of reality. 

Philosophy is always in search of reality or rather realities, beyond the sphere of appearances.

Does reality exist? sometimes in the bewilderment one feels as if he does not find reality anywhere, because perhaps what appears to him is not real and then the real becomes beyond approach. 

3. Vision of life. 

According to ancient science, philosophy is the vision, the vision of life.

Goal of Philosophy

what is the ultimate goal of philosophy?

1. The realisation of the absolute reality is the ultimate goal of philosophy.

2. It is aimed at comprehending the nature of existence.

The right philosophy is the one that will make you move forward