What Is Dharma and How Does It Work?

Dharma is righteousness.

According to ancient philosophy, the practice of equitable justice together with that of truthfulness in word, deed and thought and the like (virtues) – in a word, that which is in conformity with the Will of God, as embodied in the Vedas – That is called Dharma (righteousness)

1. Overview of Dharma

What is the dharma of human?

Dharma, i.e., the practice righteousness, devotion to justice, the acceptance of truth, and the rejection of untruth, obedience to the Will of God as revealed in the Veda, and promotion of public good, is the same for all Classes and Orders, that is, for all mankind;

2. How Dharma Works

Dharma which is a very comprehensive term. If translated into the guiding principle of all human activities.

The Eternal Dharma.

“Let a man utter what is true; but let him say what is pleasing, i.e. good for others. Let him not speak a disagreeable truth (e.g., let him never call a one-eyed man, one-eyed). Not to let him speak an agreeable falsehood. This is the Eternal Dharma (true conduct of life).

3. Benefits of Dharma.

Never renounce Dharma. 

“Let a man never renounce Dharma (righteousness) either through lust or through fear, or through greed or even to save his life, since Dharma is imperishable, while pleasure or pain is perishable, the soul is immortal, while the body is mortal.” 

– Mahabharat

We should never say lie, never leave the path of dharma due to fear of critics or due to any greed.
Start your journey to find or explore the Dharma with ancient science.
Why Dharma? And what is need of Dharma? In order to know this, See the next post and keep exploring further.