Rigveda 1.190
Rigveda 1.190: Sukta of the rigveda. Rigveda 1.190.1 RV_01.190.01{1} anarvanam vrsabham mandrajihvam brhaspatim vardhaya navyamarkaih RV_01.190.01{2} gathanyah suruco yasya deva asrnvanti navamanasya martah Rigveda 1.190.2
Updated, 17 min ago
Rigveda 1.190: Sukta of the rigveda. Rigveda 1.190.1 RV_01.190.01{1} anarvanam vrsabham mandrajihvam brhaspatim vardhaya navyamarkaih RV_01.190.01{2} gathanyah suruco yasya deva asrnvanti navamanasya martah Rigveda 1.190.2
Why ancient science? In order to know the fundamental and basic questions and answers of life. where we come from? who we are? what is
Ancient science, the science of mantras? This ancient eternal science is hidden in the mantras of the veda. Ancient science is hidden in the mantras,
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History of ancient science. the history of ancient science is very ancient