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Rig Veda

Rigveda Hymn 9.1

Rigveda Sukta 9.1 > ९,००१.०१ स्वादिष्ठया मदिष्ठया पवस्व सोम धारया ।९,००१.०१ इन्द्राय पातवे सुतः ॥९,००१.०२ रक्षोहा विश्वचर्षणिरभि योनिमयोहतम् ।९,००१.०२ द्रुणा सधस्थमासदत् ॥९,००१.०३ वरिवोधातमो भव मंहिष्ठो

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What is Creation according to the Vedas?

Creation is a manifestation. There are basically two meaning of the word creation. 1. Meaning of the creation, in general The act of causing something


Story of Creation

The beginning  In the beginning the Divine will arose, this was the First seed of the mind of the Creator. From the Will Creator has

Ancient science cosmos

The Science of Creation

Ancient science, the science of creation? There is a science behind all the creations. Nothing happens without knowledge, without science. This science is very ancient


Sacred process of creation

The mysterious sacred process – The secret and sacred process of creation is hidden in the wisdom sheath of the causal cosmos. This secret process

Ancient science cosmos

What is Creation?

Who truly knows, and who can declare whence it cometh and whither it vanisheth?  – Rigveda 10.129.6 What exactly is creation?  Creation means the organised